Living area layout planing seems to be spacious & bright
Cool modern Kitchen
Newly design ceiling works
Drop me on any renovation enquires on my mobile SMS or simply click here on this link to fill up the enquires contact form, no obligations.
HP 81566952
Renovation links on youtube,
Done by Benson Lo from Benzdesign interior
Drop me an message on my mobile SMS or simply click here on this link to fill up the contact form, no obligations.
Please all do keep a look out for my new interior designs concepts online . Clip into my other blogs to see my latest designs concept
More trending design themes done by me. Do keep a look out for my collections of renovation blogs online
Singapore Home decor interior design themes videos
(Benzdesign Interior)
Working on to my life journey and dream to fulfill my dreams as well as my home client dreams. I really find it meaningful to help them to make over their home. Seeing the laughters & smiles that weep around the house during the hand over process. This expression make me happy & this is something that money cannot buy.
In my life, I’ve been “into” interior design in one way or another. Till now I'm still discovering, exploring and try to understand the cultural meanings & design themes of what would become to be known as material culture & intrendy design concepts. They are to become the governing intellectual passion of my adult life. I also believe that Good interior designer must constantly keep creating their design formulas in their heads.
I am proud to be designing residence houses. I have always been infatuated with the “Before” and “After” ... I want my homeowners to feel like their at home is in a modern world.
To view more trendy design log on to http//www.benzdesigninterior. / facebook@benzdesigninterior
or our contact page from our Benz design reno blogs contact us form for a quotation
To view more trendy design log on to http//www.benzdesigninterior.
or our contact page from our Benz design reno blogs contact us form for a quotation
Everyone has a history, what you do with it is up to you. Some repeat it. Some learn from it. The really special ones use it to help others...
With what i have learnt, i will want to make full use of my knowledge to spread it down to my home client as i would always give them the best & i will to help them save money for their home renovation.
i will use my talent to serve & to give them the best of everything through my services.
Here are somre of the links to my renovation blogs:

Please keep a look out for my wonderful new design concepts on my following renovation blogs
Call us at +65 88385122
Every individual has his or her own identity and it is the best attitude to be your real self always. It gives a lot of confidence, if you stick to your own way of life rather than trying to duplicate others. Fashion mongers are so swept away y the dazzling stars and celebrities that they try to imitate them. But originality is the most beautiful and appreciated aspect. The characters that you have should be refined further and practiced and must not be copied from others. It is not who you are that holds you back its who you think you are not. To be successful in life, you should first believe that you can achieve and develop that self confidence. You are the biggest asset and you have make use of it wisely. Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you”. Reading these quotes will help you to gain a lot of self confidence.
Please keep a look out for my wonderful new design concepts on my following renovation blogs
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