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Singapore Reno talk blogs on discussion for New creative design for HDB BTO

Modern Style  Design for HDB BTO
Benzdesign Studio,  Benson Lo

Benson Lo Benz design studio

click on the banner for facebook page.
benson lo benz

This Blk 808B Chai Chee Rd property, which combines opulent materials with a hint of modern design appearance, was decorated by interior designer Benson Lo using a subdued color scheme of black glass & tinted mirrors. They sought an alternative to the other home owners. 
They want it to be unique compared to all of their neighbors.

After combining my Benz design methodology with imaginative concepts, the exterior of the house takes on a fashionable yet opulent appearance.

I believe there is a story behind all design works itself.....
I believe there is a story behind all design works itself.....

The false ceiling  downlights and light holder lights in the living sitting area is made from an ultimate ideas from Benson Lo himself.
'I love Interior Designs and i love to blend in new layers of design concept themes for all benz customers. I always believe with an mixture of my benz formula and a touch of the this, this and that.... The whole place blends in to one design theme.
After contrasting the houses theme with mixing of benz forluma and  now even more new additional  designs to my new collection of renovation blogs. 

Modern design
Benson Lo Benz design studio

Modern design living
Benson Lo Benz design studio

Modern toilet
Benson Lo Benz design studio

Modern & trendy feel for toilets as well

Happy house owners  recieving their new dream home soon ,later part of the week.

Done by Benson Lo from Benz Design Studio 
Hp 89235064

Drop me an renovation enquires on my mobile SMS or simply click  here on this link to fill up the enquires contact form, no obligations.

Click this button for a free quotation 

Do like us on face book on this link below here

Please all do keep a look out for my new interior designs concepts online . Clip into my other blogs to see my latest designs concept... 

More trending design themes done by me. Do keep a look out for my collections of renovation blogs  online


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