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Singapore first mixture of Scandinavian concept thememix Benz Design formula equal new future modern world cities

Benz Design Interior

Benson Lo
+65 88385122





New design modern feature wall 

Tools, furnishing clothes &  carpentry, raw materials are dead. How to transform them to some creative  eye catching thing/ an outstanding price item in open space area of the house.

The answer is always, the right person or the right interior designer to do the job. You not need to be rich and wealthy to enjoy these nice design concepts, With  our supernatural  income magical talents  ,we can make over your house easily too. "Benz Design Interior Brings it all to you".  ensuring your  cold empty house will be transformed into your  dream house concept that everyone can ever dreamed off. We try to bring down the price &  to make  the feel look luxury and expensive to score more  points in the interior design score broads

Kitchen that look not dark or  look like Asian  Culture Singaporean Style but indeed special. The kitchen designs that we don't usually see as  its too modernist. For this design, you are paying for the same rates as the rest of the kitchen cabinets in the nation. 

In the interior design academy , not all ids share the same design formula or design terms. To get the Good  & well verse interior designer, not only had serve long service term of experience but also have the talents too as he can easily work out wonderful designs to all difficult to design odd shape pointer corner houses and pay full attention to your house as he input  in the right design formulas for the suitable designs themes/ concepts . Home makers always put in their heart to  ensure they score well with flying colors to provide a  warm nest for  his client & his whole family.

To have a all in one design concept feel, the basic rule is to have a uniformity look & feel as to blend in well into  the flow of the yin yang atmosphere of the house design theme.

I and my Benz interior team provide professional service &  our talents to ensure all my customers to be happy with our services throughout the journey of the renovation process. we always use our experience to guide all & want our customers to move on to the next phrase of new life or parenthood smoothly & happily . 

I believe A New Home should fill with joy with all signs of good happy elements. The happy elements contains a mixture of  smiling, laughter & all positive feel around the new house.

Well, its not easy as all the efforts, Action & skills speaks it all. We believe in the making or doing the extra miles for all our customers & our faithful referrals. 

Happy customers & family in the last stage of the renovation process. Finally the handing over keys ceremony take place within us And the start of my boss  first step of their parenting hood &  upgrade to become the master of the house new family clans.

Designs do play a big part. I suggest that just let us handle your house and we update & follow up closely to you on the house make over  or  reno process. We design  up your place & cater to suit your needs & life routine & convenience to all family  living in the house.

"Quote of the day
The sweetest part of my day is thinking of you.
But the most hardest part is missing you
How i wish to be with you again."

Combine Home Design theme with Green plants/ Benz Design Interior

Most of the interior designs are getting outdated  & less popular.  i always believe that we can still  create something new & wonderful that not all interior designers can easily figure out our design formulas.  The first creative  invention of Benz design first mix scandinavian formula on the  Singapore west side of the neighbourhood resale topical HDB houses in Segar Road. The benzdesign mixed formula is a success &  it transforms the whole HDB house unit spaces into a place call heaven. It was a perfect place for Mr wong and his family members to stay at this lovely almost perfectly flow of the ying yang atmosphere  with the good balance of green in the house.
Something we don't get to see in our daily life in the nowaday busy cool modern city.

Call us for a non obligation quotation atr +65 88385122 0r email us  at

Click on the link below for more photos.....

Done by Benson Lo from Benzdesign Studio / interior

Drop me an renovation enquires on my mobile SMS or simply click  here on this link to fill up the enquires  contact form, no obligations.

Do like us on face book on this link here

Please all do keep a look out for my new interior designs concepts online . Clip into my other blogs to see my latest designs concept 

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